2nd Funders’ Forum Resources
Below you will find valuable material from the Funders’ Forum that took place on the 8th of February 2023 in Brussels.

On February 8th, around 100 attendees representing ministries, industry, education, funding agencies and various members of the research community (half of them in person and the other half online) had the opportunity to listen to the latest news on the development of the Sustainable Food Systems Partnership and the role of FOODPathS in this process.
As done for the previous event, we have created a compilation of valuable material:
- The recording of the event
- All the presentations given during the event:
- Introduction to the event and experiences – Nikola Hassan (FZJ)
- The Sustainable Food Systems Partnership – Daniela Lüth (DG RTD)
- SFS Partnership Consortium Proposal process – Gilles Ferron (ANR)
- Examples of (Food) Systems funding and research approaches – Frank Hensgen (FZJ)
- Food System Approach in light of the SFSP and Interactive Session – FOODPathS team
Most of the questions raised during the event and additional ones gathered in previous workshops, presentations and via email, have been compiled and answer in a Frequesntly Asked Question (FAQ) document.
Take a look and let us know if you have follow up questions by sending us an email to info@foodpaths.eu.
Following very soon: the reports of the talk round session.
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And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and on the Sustainable Food System Network (SFSN).