SFS Partnership Events & Media | 07 Dec 2022
Help us to build the EU Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems!
FOODPathS project and the SCAR SWG Food Systems are collecting data and interest of entities willing to shape the future Partnership on Sustainable Food Systems through the Horizon Europe call for funding.

The teams of the SCAR FOOD SYSTEMS SWG and of the FOODPathS CSA are joining forces to map intentions for funding and operational contributions to the future European Partnership Sustainable Food Systems (PSFS) for People, Planet and Climate.
If you want to express your interest in joining us, you are invited in filling in this survey by 20th of December 2022.
The aim of the survey is to identify contributions to the future PSFS. In particular, we are looking for funding organisation insterested in providing financial contributions to the Partnership, however, also more broadly operational contributions are welcomed, e.g. from funders, Research Performing Organisations (RPOs), and any other interested entity.
The information collected through this survey will benefit greatly the drafting of the PSFS proposal, to be submitted to the European Commission by April 2023, in reply to the call ‘HORIZON-CL6-2023-FARM2FORK-01-9’ (Horizon Europe, draft Work Programme 2023-2024).
Please note that the Thematic R&I Areas and the Transversal Activities identified in the survey are based on the latest SRIA draft, which we encourage you to have a look at.
Practical information on the survey
- You can access to the survey clicking here
- This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
- The deadline for submitting your response online is 20 December 2022, EOB.
- We would appreciate a consolidated contribution from your organisation/ministry.
- We encourage you to share the survey with the ministries, potential R&I funders of the partnership, and other possible contributors in your country and network.
- If you have any questions regarding the survey and SFS Partnership, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form directly on the survey page.
We look forward for your contribution!