Events & Media Policy | 08 May 2023
Healthy School Meals petition
Join the “Buy Better Food” campaign and sign the petition to make sure that public procurement can increase the sustainability and healthy of food at school!

Join the movement and sign the Healthy School Meals petition! Coordinated by ICLEI, this important campaign is urging EU and national policy makers to provide sustainable, nutritious meals to all school children. With the hashtag #SmallPlateBigImpact, the petition emphasizes that school food procurement is a relatively small action that can have a huge impact on global Sustainable Development Goals.
As explained in the Buy Better Food website, the campaign is focusing on 3 pillars:
- A healthy meal for all school children: Not all children have breakfast before school. For many, food at school is the only warm meal of the day. But not all countries and schools serve food at school. We think that every child in every school should have access to a nutritious school meal.
- No junk food in schools: According to WHO Europe, 1 out of 3 children in Europe is affected by child obesity. Reducing unhealthy food and drinks consumption at school will be a health-promoting measure that benefits young people, and reduces public health expenditure.
- Food education & cooking as a standard curriculum: Why is food education and cooking not present in school education? Only the combination of good food and food education will ensure the uptake of healthier food habits. This is also an opportunity to educate children about food culture and traditions linked to their local food systems.
By signing the petition, you can make a difference in the lives of children across Europe. You can also support the campaign following it on social media and using the dissemination package to spread the word.