Map of funders

Our network spans multiple European countries to co-develop and deliver best practices, solutions, and synergies with the greatest potential for impact. We listen and work with partners across the food system continuum, who share our commitment of achieving a future with a resilient, flexible food system that is safe, affordable, and nutritious.

Funding level

  • Regional
  • National
  • International


  • NGO
  • Government
  • Other

Source of funding

  • Private
  • Public

Funding priorities with regard to SFS

  • Nutrition and health
  • Production and processing
  • Connection of citizens to food
  • Politics, policies and governance

Estonian Research Council

Eesti Teadusagentuur

Funding level: National

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance


Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food

Sapropel Organics LLC

Sapropel Organics LLC

Funding level: National

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Private

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

French National Research Agency

Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Icelandic Centre for Research

Rannsoknamidstod Islands

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Research Council of Norway

Norges forskningsråd

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing

Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Agency

Vinnova, Sveriges innovationsmyndighet

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Fund for Scientific Research – FNRS

Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique – FNRS

Funding level: Regional

Entity: NGO

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Basque Government – Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment

Eusko Jaurlaritza- Gobierno Vasco

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Austrian Science Fund

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung

Funding level: National, International

Entity: NGO

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic

Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka Slovenskej republiky

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities:

Center for Research and development in Agrifood Systems and Sustainability (IPVC CISAS)

Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Sistemas Agroalimentares e Sustentabilidade

Funding level: National

Entity: NGO

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Taskforce for Applied Research SIA

Regieorgaan SIA

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding:

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food

Flanders’ FOOD (FF)

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)

Nederlandse Organisatie voor Gezondheidsonderzoek en Zorginnovatie

Funding level: International, National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Dutch Research Council (NWO)

Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Fund for Innovation and Entrepreneurship / Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (FIO/VLAIO)

Fonds voor Innoveren en Ondernemen/Vlaams Agentschap voor Innoveren en Ondernemen

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Regional development agency (Oost NL)

Regionale ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Oost NL

Funding level: Regional

Entity: NGO

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing

Valorial (VAL)

Funding level: Regional, International, National

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Public, Private

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

The Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania

Žemės ūkio ministerija

Funding level: Regional, International, National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Province of Flevoland

Provincie Flevoland

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG Foundation (FAB FVG)

Fondazione Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Public, Private

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing


Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing, Politics, policies and governance

Federal ministry of food and agriculture (BMEL)

Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Politics, policies and governance

Ministry of Rural Affairs (MEM)


Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing, Politics, policies and governance

The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI)

Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR)

Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

Funding level: National, International

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education (UFS/DASHE)

Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen

Funding level: International, National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM)

Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Agrifood campus of international excellence (ceiA3)

Campus de excelencia internacional agroalimentario ceiA3

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Politics, policies and governance

University of Pavia (UNIPV)

Università degli Studi di Pavia

Funding level: National

Entity: NGO

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities:

Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (RCSO)

Etelä-Pohjanmaan liitto

Funding level: Regional

Entity: NGO

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance


Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)

Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Ministry of agriculture food and forestry policies (Mipaaf)

Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Public Service of Wallonia (SPW)

Service public de Wallonie

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Politics, policies and governance

Autonomous Province of Bolzano Bozen – South Tyrol (PROV.BZ)

Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Alto Adige / Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

ProAgria Oulu / Oulu Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation

ProAgria Oulu/Oulun Maa- ja kotitalousnaiset

Funding level: International, National

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Private, Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Politics, policies and governance

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Politics, policies and governance

The Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc)

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing

Department Economy, Science and Innovation, Flemish Government

Departement Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie, Vlaamse overheid

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance

Greenport West-Holland (GPWH)

Funding level: Regional

Entity: Other

Source of funding: Public, Private

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Politics, policies and governance

Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (BLW/OFAG/FOAG)

Office Fédéral de l’Agriculture (OFAG)

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Production and processing, Politics, policies and governance

Spanish State Research Agency (AEI)

Agencia Estatal de Investigación

Funding level: National

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing

Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

Funding level: International

Entity: Government

Source of funding: Public

Funding priorities: Nutrition and health, Production and processing, Connection of citizens to food, Politics, policies and governance


If you are interested in joining the funders network, please contact:

Become part of FoodPaths‘s network

We know that the big challenges for a Sustainable Food System can only be met if we work together, which is why FoodPaths strives to close the gap between the different stakeholders to accelerate the transition and deliver meaningful impact for all.

All stakeholders are invited to join the network! We aim to create a place for dialogue, sharing of information (e.g. for improving the SRIA content), practices, needs, visions and concerns. Our aim is to build a framework for future funding that supports high quality research all over Europe and beyond, and  enables dedicated systems and multi-actor approaches that are inclusive and impact-driven.


Together with you we will look at the opportunities and limitations, best practices and mechanisms that help to align funding strategies, and practices to create innovative funding approaches. We will also organize several events (mainly online) for active exchange (funders forum, starting in autumn/winter ´22 and offered ~3-4 times in ´23) and devise recommendations and guidelines.

Why join the network

Whether you are active in a research center, an NGO, a public authority, or an industry, there is something for you to gain from FOODPathS. All our partners/members are fully committed to a sustainable food system and are at the heart of our network. They steer the direction of FoodPaths, shape its strategy and form a dynamic force advancing the transition towards a SFS.

Joining FOODPaths means connecting to a great variety of active stakeholders, from local to global scale, and a diverse community of European networks and partners. As a member of the Funders´network, you will be invited to attend events for active exchange, including the Funders Forum, a place for dialogue and sharing information on / about practices, needs, visions and concerns among funding organisations.

Members of the Funders´network have the opportunity to shape and prepare the future funding framework for the Partnership while influencing key of the SRIA. Together we work on aligning funding strategies and practices that enable dedicated systems- and multi-actor approaches that are inclusive and impact-driven

FOODPathS offers you info on the latest developments of the Partnership and a preview of best practices to support sustainability goals in food systems. Together with the network, we consider legal frameworks, ideas for food systems research with added value, capacity-building mechanisms and best practices from programmes on national and regional levels!

Our network actively engages in conferences, workshops, webinars, and other events. Being a funder will not only mean being featured on the website’s map but also indirect promotion through FOODPathS and its communication channels, including conferences and other professional settings. Thus, your organisation´s commitment to improve food systems will be featured.

FOODPathS funders have access to the latest information, ideas and fora for discussing governance models for shaping the future landscape of sustainable food systems. You have the possibility to make your voice heard and contribute in the definition of the environment in which the SFS Partnership will operate.

Board member image

Marianne Claessens

VLAIO (Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship), Belgium (Flanders)

Board member logo

“For us, as funder of industry actors in Flanders, valorization is key. Our experience from Partnerships in FP7/8 (ERA-Nets and ERA-Net Cofunds) shows that many companies used this as entry point to the European arena. The network that opened up for them was a huge added value!

We also observe a trend in projects evolving from being rather scientific towards more applied R&I and that is interesting for us. We hope that more funders that fund industry will join in order to have strong industry participation in the future projects.”

Board member image

Helena Pärenson & Maarja Malm

MEM (Ministry of Rural Affairs), Estonia

Board member logo

“Estonia is a small country compared to others but we have a strong record participating in many ERA-Nets. For us the added value of collaboration on European level is clear. Not only does it bring immense economic advantage to pool resources, but our research community gets new international contacts and can gain capacities and expertise not available on national level. At the same time, others can profit from our expertise and collaboration.”