External event | 19 Jun 2024 | Online
Join the launch of the FutureFoodS EU Partnership
Join the FutureFoodS Partnership Kick-off Meeting to find out what is in store for you. Online participation will be available in webinar format on June 19, 13:30-17:00.
FutureFoodS is the selected co-funded partnership on Food Systems of Horizon Europe Framework Program, involving 87 partners from 29 countries. Its mission is to accelerate the transformation of national, EU and global food systems to make them safe, sustainable, healthy, resilient and trusted for everyone and within the planetary boundaries. This contributes to the European Union’s Green Deal objective ‘Fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food systems, from primary production to consumption’.
Planned actions include open calls for funding research and innovation, with one launched already before the end of 2024. The partnership will also develop Living Labs, create a new European food system observatory, and organise several knowledge sharing events.
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is organising this first event gathering together with the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). More than 120 people will be present at the Centre for Taste and Feeding Behaviour in Dijon, France. An unlimited number of participants are also welcome online.
13:30 to 14:45 – Welcome and introduction of the FutureFoodS partnership
- Monique Axelos, Inrae, Scientific Director for Food and Bioeconomy
- Thierry Damerval, President of ANR
- Margareta Büning-Fesel, President of BLE
- John Bell, Head of the Healthy Planet Unit, DG-RTD
- Albert Wulff, Head of Directorate for Budget, Research, Operational Coordination, German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture – BMEL
- French Ministry of Higher Education and Research – MESR (TBC)
- Claude Yven, Coordinator of FutureFoodS
14:45 to 15:15 Break
15:15 to 17:00 – Food systems presentation and Round Table
Plenary lecture
- Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Chairperson of the United Nations, HLPE-FSN
Round Table with other initiatives related to sustainable food systems, co-funded by the EU. Central questions: Data for transition; public-private partnerships and local knowledge building/sharing
- Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Chairperson of the United Nations, HLPE-FSN
- Niels Halberg, vice chair of the SCAR Food Systems Strategic Working Group
- Christian Bugge Henriksen, coordinator of CLEVERFOOD
- Nicolas Tinois, coordinator of AGROECOLOGY
- Esther Diez-Cebollero for the European partnership Water4All
- Hendrik de Ruyck for ERA4Health
You can follow the FutureFoodS LinkedIn account for more updates.