External event | 25 Nov 2022 | Online
Workshop on assessing digitalisation in food systems
How can digitalisation help overcome the challenges that our foodWorksho systems are currently facing?
How can digitalisation help overcome the challenges that our food systems are currently facing?
Digitalisation in the food sector started to gain relevance only during last several years. Yet, significant investigation is already ongoing to understand how digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) can support the transformation of smart, healthy & sustainable food systems and help overcome the global challenges that the current food systems are facing.
In this context, the SCAR Food Systems SWG is organising a workshop to identify best practices on the use of digitalisation and AI integration possibilities, focusing on case studies related to food processing and food consumption, as well as to discuss about their potential risks. The workshop will contribute to feed and improve the current debate on the role of digital platforms and Living Labs in Food Systems innovation.
📅 25th November, 9:15-12:45 CET